

  • 1. Carry waste bags for garbage and while returning from rest house bring that waste bag outside forest
  • 2. During safaris wear colors like Green, light brown, camouflage
  • 3. Pay attention to details told by your driver or guide
  • 4. Always take permission first while photographing locals
  • 5. Keep body parts covered from dust, insects and strong sun
  • 6. Use washrooms at authorized places only
  • 7. Observe all the rules and regulations as laid down by the forest department
  • 8. Never obstruct way of wildlife while on safari


  • 1. Do not smoke in the Jungle
  • 2. Do not waste water
  • 3. Do not carry alcohol, non vegetarian meal in forest
  • 4. Do not ask driver to drive at high speed in and around forest
  • 5. Do not make noises/talk loudly inside Jungle
  • 6. Do not encourage feeding animals in forest
  • 7. Do not get down from jeep while going for safari
  • 8. Do not honk near forest
  • 9. Do not collect plants or pluck flowers.
  • 10. Do not dispose off garbage in the river or in forest
  • 11. Do not use flash guns when photographing animals
  • 12. Do not lit campfire or bonfire in forest rest house